Also known as: Brahaspathy, Jupiter

  • According to Hindu scriptures, He is the guru of the Devas and  the nemesis of Shukracharya, the guru of the Danavasa. He is also known as Guru, the god of wisdom and eloquence, to whom various works are ascribed, such as the “atheistic” Brihaspatya sutras.
  • Guru is usually depicted with an elephant, or a chariot drawn by eight horses as His vehicle. He is also sometimes depicted in a lotus flower.
  • His Tattva or element is Akasha or ether, and His direction is north-east. He is described as yellow or golden in colour and holding a stick, a lotus and his beads. He presides over ‘Guruvaaram’, Brihaspativaara or Thursday

Associated songs / slokams

Guru Gayathri Manthra:

Om vrishabadhwajaaya vidmahae,

kruni hastaaya dheemahi,

tanno guru prachodayaat


Om, Let me meditate on him who has the bull on his flag, Oh, He who has power to get things done, give me higher intellect, And let Guru illuminate my mind.

How to pray

  • The best day to pray is Thursday. Colour is yellow. The dhanyam is chickpeas. Use yellow flowers to pray and you can chant the Guru Gayathri Manthra. Prayers will bring good health, job prospects and success in business.

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