• She is known as the Goddess of education and bestower of spiritual knowledge. She was installed in 1999.
  • Her five heads represent creation, protection, dissolution, obscuration and the bestowing of Grace.

Where in the Temple?

  • Situated in the shrine on the left of Goddess Mariamman.

Main Festivals Celebrated

  • She is carried outside as part of the procession during our Annual Ther (Chariot) festival
  • Gayathri Homam

Associated songs / slokams

  • The most powerful of all mantras is often regarded as the Gayathri Mantra and is recited by all seekers of true knowledge.

“Om Bhur Buvaha Suvaha Thath Savithur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayath”

How to pray

  • Recitation of the Gayathri Mantra is said to increase spiritual knowledge, self-discipline and concentration

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