Living in a 'Multi-faith' society

At the Shree Ghanapathy Temple we believe in a society of diversity and inclusion. This is not only aimed at society but also celebrates the multi-faith culture that we live in, here in the UK. Our Temple heritage is derived from Sri Lanka and South India, and we follow the Hindu faith. However, we recognise that there are many other faiths that people believe in and we respect and accept each individual’s decision to worship their own faith. 

There is no conversion in our faith system, or belief that we are superior to others. We believe simply that we are all on that one, same journey to God. We want to highlight that people of all faiths are welcome to gain spiritual comfort at the Temple, and that compassion, consideration, understanding, hope and support will be there for all in need.


Teaching Hinduism & other major faiths...

We have a large Sunday School (Sai Spiritual Education Classes) in the adjoining Sai Mandir, which is attended by children ranging from 5-16 years of age. The classes are run by volunteer teachers who teach the children about Hinduism and the other major religions of the world, and also about the Human Values of Truth, Love, Peace, Non – violence and Right Conduct.

We are also one of the most popular Temples for visits by schools, universities and other educational establishments, with over 3,000 children visiting each year to learn more about Hinduism. We also go into schools to run workshops and speak about Hindu-related topics and are always happy to help with Hindu artefacts and resources on Hinduism.

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Respecting other traditions...

We also celebrate at least one festival from each of the major religions in the adjoining Sai Mandir. eg: Christmas for Christianity, Vesak for Buddhism, Hanukkah for Judaism etc. As part of their spiritual and moral education, we believe in fostering in them the urge to help others. So the children regularly visit local old peoples homes and hospitals to entertain the patients with music and dance performances, followed by refreshments made and served by our volunteers.

In the past, volunteers have run classes for Hindu children who come to the Temple, to learn traditional devotional Hindu songs, prayers, and to learn more about their faith and traditions. These are now linked to the many festivals that we celebrate at the Temple.

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Representing our faith...

The temple is an active member of Merton’s Faith & Belief Forum, taking part in many Interfaith activities throughout the year. We represent the Hindu Faith in borough-wide events such as Holocaust Memorial Day and also host annual interfaith services at the Temple. 

(See adjacent video)

We also represent Hinduism at a national level as key members of London Boroughs Faiths Network, the Boroughs Faith Forum and the Faith Sector Panel of London Resilience, enabling us to attend regular briefings, especially during the pandemic, to keep up to date on the changing needs and role of places of worship in the UK and ready to mobilise our volunteer force in times of emergency.  We also work with national organisations such as the Red Cross and Care4Calais at a local level to respond to the changing needs of the local community and to emergencies within the borough – where there is a need, we are there to help.


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Respecting other traditions...

We also celebrate at least one festival from each of the major religions in the adjoining Sai Mandir. eg: Christmas for Christianity, Vesak for Buddhism, Hanukkah for Judaism etc. As part of their spiritual and moral education, we believe in fostering in them the urge to help others. So the children regularly visit local old peoples homes and hospitals to entertain the patients with music and dance performances, followed by refreshments made and served by our volunteers.

In the past, volunteers have run classes for Hindu children who come to the Temple, to learn traditional devotional Hindu songs, prayers, and to learn more about their faith and traditions. These are now linked to the many festivals that we celebrate at the Temple.

Our temple is also very active in local interfaith organisations, hosting and providing support for interfaith programmes at a local and at a national level, and always ready to provide teachers and resources on Hinduism for students and schools.

We have appeared on BBC TV, BBC Radio 4, BBC World Service and BBC Radio 2 on various aspects of Hindu faith and spirituality, and the Temple is featured in several educational films on Truetube.

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Working with other faiths…

We are a major partner of Wandsworth Community Empowerment Network, working closely with them, local NHS services, and other places of worship to create the many different Health projects that we have created at the Temple, responding to the physical and mental health needs of our Hindu community.


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